1. जानिए आप सीआईसी क्यों कर रहे हैं इसका कारण? अधिकांश लोग अपने आप सीआई करना बंद कर देते हैं, ...
उत्तर: अधिकांश एससीआई रोगी रात में अधिक मूत्र उत्पन्न करते हैं। दिन के दौरान जब वे व्हीलचेयर पर बैठे होते ...
https://vimeo.com/643175318 Herein we discuss some of the common problems and concerns that may arise after the catheterization. we also discuss ...
You must try to see things in proper perspective. Any one can have any problem and it`s natural to depend ...
https://vimeo.com/644492951 SCI is unlike many other diseases as it profoundly affects the person in more ways than one. It is ...
It is an educative process to make the sci person and caregivers to understand various methods of bladder care and ...