Action plan (2023) for the spine surgeons and the spine units to improve neurourological care in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI)
When we talk about spinal cord injury, we are dealing with one of the most catastrophic injuries known to the ...
When we talk about spinal cord injury, we are dealing with one of the most catastrophic injuries known to the ...
Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) were historically regarded as untreatable afflictions, but lessons from past conflicts across the World during the ... The lessons learned from the disasters of the World war-I and World War-II taught us that the neglect of ...
A spinal cord injury produces certain physical changes in your bodily functions, therefore your initial focus is going to be ... SCI is unlike many other diseases as it profoundly affects the person in more ways than one. It is ... Young men with SCI live in oblivion, embarassed and hesitant to talk about sexuality after their injury. Care-givers are ...
It may seem surprising to you that someone who has just met with a major accident and facing the prospect ...